International Rates For Business Phones Through R-19 Cloud Based Phone Systems
Afghanistan | 93 | 0.4698 |
Albania | 355 | 0.2541 |
Albania Mobile | 355MOB | 0.4716 |
Algeria | 213 | 0.1605 |
Algeria Mobile | 213MOB | 0.6540 |
American Samoa | 684 | 0.1170 |
American Samoa Mobile | 684MOB | 0.1170 |
Andorra | 376 | 0.0921 |
Andorra, Mobile | 376MOB | 0.3840 |
Angola | 244 | 0.2469 |
Angola Mobile | 244MOB | 0.3483 |
Anguilla | AI | 0.4955 |
Antarctica Casey | 67212 | 4.5000 |
Antarctica Norfolk Island | 672 | 4.5390 |
Antarctica Scott | 67224 | 4.5000 |
Antigua and Barbuda | AN | 0.3750 |
Argentina | 54 | 0.0795 |
Argentina Buenos Aires | 54BUA | 0.0768 |
Argentina Mobile | 54MOB | 0.3240 |
Armenia | 374 | 0.2325 |
Armenia Mobile | 374MOB | 0.3275 |
Armenia Yerevan | 374YER | 0.1664 |
Aruba | 297 | 0.2415 |
Aruba Mobile | 297MOB | 0.3158 |
Ascension Island | 247 | 5.4468 |
Australia | 61 | 0.0645 |
Australia Mobile | 61MOB | 0.1956 |
Austria | 43 | 0.0916 |
Austria Audiotext | 43ATX | 0.6750 |
Austria Mobile | 43MOB | 0.1215 |
Austria Vienna | 43VIE | 0.1013 |
Azerbaijan | 994 | 0.4725 |
Azerbaijan Mobile | 994MOB | 0.8640 |
Bahamas | BA | 0.4416 |
Bahrain | 973 | 0.2956 |
Bahrain Audiotext | 973ATX | 0.3251 |
Bahrain Mobile | 973MOB | 0.3677 |
Bangladesh | 880 | 0.1010 |
Bangladesh Chittagong | 880CHI | 0.1010 |
Bangladesh Dhaka | 880DKA | 0.1055 |
Bangladesh Mobile | 880MOB | 0.0825 |
Barbados | BD | 0.4550 |
Belarus | 375 | 0.3869 |
Belarus, Mobile | 375MOB | 0.4454 |
Belgium | 32 | 0.0769 |
Belgium Audiotext | 32ATX | 0.1199 |
Belgium, Mobile | 32MOB | 0.2190 |
Belize | 501 | 0.4815 |
Belize Mobile | 501MOB | 0.5684 |
Benin | 229 | 0.3540 |
Bermuda | BM | 0.1347 |
Bhutan | 975 | 0.2648 |
Bolivia | 591 | 0.2264 |
Bolivia La Paz | 591LAP | 0.1541 |
Bolivia Mobile | 591MOB | 0.2474 |
Bosnia / Herzegovina | 387 | 0.2009 |
Bosnia / Herzegovina, Mobile | 387MOB | 0.4620 |
Botswana | 267 | 0.1610 |
Botswana, Mobile | 267MOB | 0.3389 |
Brazil | 55 | 0.0720 |
Brazil, Belo Horizonte | 55BEL | 0.0615 |
Brazil, Mobile | 55MOB | 0.3764 |
Brazil, Rio | 55RDJ | 0.0599 |
Brazil, Sao Paulo | 55SPO | 0.0660 |
British Virgin Islands | BV | 0.4971 |
Brunei | 673 | 0.1070 |
Brunei, Mobile | 673MOB | 0.0975 |
Bulgaria | 359 | 0.1724 |
Bulgaria, Mobile | 359MOB | 0.7875 |
Burkino Faso | 226 | 0.5640 |
Burkino Faso, Mobile | 226MOB | 0.5640 |
Burma/Myanmar | 95 | 0.4710 |
Burundi | 257 | 0.6390 |
Burundi, Mobile | 257MOB | 0.7881 |
Cambodia | 855 | 0.1888 |
Cambodia, Mobile | 855MOB | 0.1280 |
Cameroon | 237 | 0.3886 |
Cameroon, Douala | 237DOU | 0.2806 |
Cameroon, Mobile (6849) | 237MOB | 0.4695 |
Cape Verde | 238 | 0.4034 |
Cayman Islands | CQ | 0.3749 |
Central Africa | 236 | 0.7290 |
Chad | 235 | 0.7803 |
Chad, Audiotext | 235ATX | 0.5310 |
Chile | 56 | 0.0780 |
Chile, Mobile | 56MOB | 0.3215 |
Chile, Santiago | 56SAN | 0.0860 |
China Prc | 86 | 0.1096 |
China Prc, Mobile | 86MOB | 0.0915 |
China Prc, Prc-Beijing | 86BEI | 0.1099 |
China Prc, Prc-Shanghai | 86SHA | 0.1096 |
China, Canton | 86CAN | 0.0629 |
China, Fuzhou | 86FUZ | 0.1099 |
Christmas Island | 6724 | 1.0220 |
Cocos/Kellilng Island | 6722 | 0.1991 |
Colombia | 57 | 0.2340 |
Colombia, Baranquilla | 57BAR | 0.1251 |
Colombia, Bogota | 57BOG | 0.1422 |
Colombia, Cali | 57CAL | 0.1688 |
Colombia, Medellin | 57MED | 0.1174 |
Colombia, Mobile | 57MOB | 0.2340 |
Colombia, Pereira | 57PER | 0.0974 |
Comoros | 269 | 0.7890 |
Comoros, Mayotte | 269MAY | 0.7890 |
Comoros, Mobile | 269MOB | 0.7890 |
Congo | 242 | 0.8640 |
Cook Island | 682 | 1.1713 |
Cook Island Audiotext | 682ATX | 1.1414 |
Costa Rica | 506 | 0.1109 |
Costa Rica, Mobile | 506MOB | 0.1109 |
Croatia | 385 | 0.0805 |
Croatia, mobile | 385MOB | 0.3239 |
Cuba | 53 | 1.2688 |
Cuba, Guantanamo Bay | 539 | 1.2688 |
Cyprus | 357 | 0.1508 |
Cyprus, Audiotext | 357ATX | 0.0785 |
Cyprus, Mobile | 357MOB | 0.1155 |
Czech | 42 | 0.0764 |
Czech Republic, Prague | 42PRA | 0.0764 |
Czech, Mobile | 42MOB | 0.1232 |
Denmark | 45 | 0.0887 |
Denmark, Mobile | 45MOB | 0.1875 |
Diego Garcia | 246 | 2.5325 |
Diego Garcia, Audiotext | 246ATX | 2.5000 |
Djibouti | 253 | 0.5166 |
Djibouti, Mobile | 253MOB | 0.5318 |
Domenica | DM | 0.5179 |
Dominican Republic | DR | 0.1213 |
DR Cell | DRMOB | 0.5940 |
Ecuador | 593 | 0.1860 |
Ecuador, Cuenca | 593CUE | 0.1710 |
Ecuador, Guayaquil | 593GUA | 0.1497 |
Ecuador, Mobile | 593MOB | 0.3084 |
Ecuador, Quito | 593QUI | 0.1517 |
Egypt | 20 | 0.1845 |
Egypt, Cairo | 20CAI | 0.1845 |
Egypt, Mobile | 20MOB | 0.2460 |
El Salvador | 503 | 0.2843 |
El Salvador, Mobile | 503MOB | 0.3030 |
Equatorial Guinea | 240 | 0.3432 |
Eritrea | 291 | 0.4709 |
Estonia | 372 | 0.0689 |
Estonia, Mobile | 372MOB | 0.5264 |
Ethiopia | 251 | 0.4350 |
Ethiopia, Mobile | 251MOB | 0.5318 |
Faeroe Islands | 298 | 0.3689 |
Falkland Islands | 500 | 1.1742 |
Fiji Islands | 679 | 0.4889 |
Fiji Islands, Mobile (6853) | 679MOB | 0.6518 |
Finland | 358 | 0.1140 |
Finland, Audiotext | 358ATX | 0.3750 |
Finland, Mobile | 358MOB | 0.1889 |
France | 33 | 0.0786 |
France Paris | 33PAR | 0.0786 |
France, Audiotext | 33ATX | 0.1050 |
France, Mobile | 33MOB | 0.1934 |
French Antilles | 596 | 0.1197 |
French Antilles, Mobile | 596MOB | 0.6930 |
French Guiana | 594 | 0.1789 |
French Guiana, Mobile | 594MOB | 0.5940 |
French Polynesia | 689 | 0.4424 |
French Polynesia, Mobile | 689MOB | 0.4424 |
Gabon | 241 | 0.6840 |
Gabon, Mobile | 241MOB | 0.6840 |
Gambia | 220 | 0.7095 |
Georgia | 995 | 0.1740 |
Georgia, Mobile | 995MOB | 0.2115 |
Germany | 49 | 0.0671 |
Germany, Audiotext | 49ATX | 0.3205 |
Germany, Frankfurt | 49FRK | 0.0677 |
Germany, Mobile | 49MOB | 0.5639 |
Ghana | 233 | 0.3240 |
Ghana, Mobile | 233MOB | 0.3367 |
Gibraltar | 350 | 0.1170 |
Gibraltar, Mobile | 350MOB | 0.4139 |
Gilbert Island/Kiribati | 686 | 0.8363 |
Greece | 30 | 0.0555 |
Greece, Athens | 30ATH | 0.0555 |
Greece, Mobile | 30MOB | 0.1079 |
Greenland | 299 | 0.9390 |
Greenland, Mobile | 299MOB | 0.9390 |
Grenada | GN | 0.5307 |
Guadeloupe | 590 | 0.2143 |
Guadeloupe, Mobile | 590MOB | 0.4395 |
Guam | GU | 0.1227 |
Guatemala | 502 | 0.2181 |
Guatemala, Mobile | 502MOB | 0.2310 |
Guinea | 224 | 0.7889 |
Guinea Bissau | 245 | 0.8317 |
Guinea Bissau Audiotext | 245ATX | 0.7776 |
Guinea Bissau Mobile | 245MOB | 0.8166 |
Guyana | 592 | 0.3389 |
Guyana Mobile | 592MOB | 0.4190 |
Haiti | 509 | 0.4230 |
Haiti Audiotext | 509ATX | 0.4445 |
Haiti Mobile | 509MOB | 0.4632 |
Honduras | 504 | 0.3166 |
Honduras Mobile | 504MOB | 0.4820 |
Hong Kong | 852 | 0.0825 |
Hong Kong Mobile | 852MOB | 0.0825 |
Hungary | 36 | 0.0660 |
Hungary Mobile | 36MOB | 0.2040 |
Iceland | 354 | 0.0840 |
Iceland Mobile | 354MOB | 0.1515 |
India | 91 | 0.1174 |
India Ahmedabad | 91AHM | 0.1174 |
India Audiotext | 91ATX | 0.0801 |
India Bangalore | 91BG | 0.1174 |
India Baroda | 91BAR | 0.0744 |
India Bombay | 91BMA | 0.0912 |
India Calcutta | 91CAL | 0.0744 |
India Hyderabad | 91HYD | 0.1174 |
India Madras | 91MDA | 0.0900 |
India Mobile | 91MOB | 0.1065 |
India New Delhi | 91NDA | 0.1479 |
Indonesia | 62 | 0.1289 |
Indonesia Jakarta | 62JAK | 0.0629 |
Indonesia Mobile | 62MOB | 0.1289 |
Indonesia Surabaya | 62SUR | 0.0891 |
Inmarsat (AOR) | 871 | 10.0371 |
Inmarsat (IOR) | 873 | 10.0371 |
Inmarsat (POR) | 872 | 10.0371 |
Inmarsat (WAT) | 874 | 10.0371 |
Iran | 98 | 0.2489 |
Iran Mobile | 98MOB | 0.2489 |
Iraq | 964 | 0.2500 |
Ireland | 353 | 0.0772 |
Ireland Mobile | 353MOB | 0.3990 |
Ireland, Dublin | 353DUB | 0.0789 |
Iridium | 8816 | 12.0000 |
Israel | 972 | 0.0656 |
Israel Mobile | 972MOB | 0.3240 |
Israel Tel Aviv | 972TAV | 0.0200 |
Italy | 39 | 0.0652 |
Italy Audiotext | 39ATX | 0.4499 |
Italy Milan | 39MIL | 0.0652 |
Italy Mobile | 39MOB | 0.4352 |
Italy Rome | 39ROM | 0.0652 |
Italy Vatican City | 39VAT | 0.0302 |
Ivory Coast | 225 | 0.3989 |
Ivory Coast Mobile (6856) | 225MOB | 0.5340 |
Jamaica | JM | 0.2402 |
Japan | 81 | 0.0795 |
Japan Military | 81MIL | 0.0481 |
Japan Mobile | 81MOB | 0.1875 |
Japan Nagoya | 81NAG | 0.0405 |
Japan Osaka | 81OSA | 0.0795 |
Japan Sapporo | 81SAP | 0.0405 |
Japan Tokyo | 81TOK | 0.0795 |
Jordan | 962 | 0.2356 |
Jordan Mobile | 962MOB | 0.2986 |
Kazakhstan | 731 | 0.3180 |
Kazakhstan Mobile (6884) | 731MOB | 0.4420 |
Kenya | 254 | 0.2009 |
Kenya Mobile (6857) | 254MOB | 0.2678 |
Korea (North) | 850 | 1.3890 |
Korea (South) | 82 | 0.0989 |
Korea (South) Mobile | 82MOB | 0.0735 |
Korea (South) Seoul | 82SEO | 0.0989 |
Kuwait | 965 | 0.1815 |
Kuwait Audiotext | 965ATX | 0.1544 |
Kuwait Mobile | 965MOB | 0.1934 |
Kygyzstan | 996 | 0.1935 |
Kygyzstan Mobile | 996MOB | 0.2311 |
Laos | 856 | 0.1314 |
Latvia | 371 | 0.1145 |
Latvia Mobile | 371MOB | 0.9392 |
Lebanon | 961 | 0.1874 |
Lebanon Mobile | 961MOB | 0.2864 |
Lesotho | 266 | 0.4620 |
Liberia | 231 | 0.7890 |
Liberia Mobile | 231MOB | 0.7890 |
Libya | 218 | 0.4440 |
Liechtenstein | 423 | 0.1665 |
Liechtenstein Mobile | 423MOB | 1.0237 |
Lithuania | 370 | 0.1440 |
Lithuania Mobile | 370MOB | 0.3255 |
Luxembourg | 352 | 0.0735 |
Luxembourg Mobile | 352MOB | 0.2940 |
Macao | 853 | 0.1365 |
Macao Mobile | 853MOB | 0.1365 |
Macedonia | 389 | 0.4380 |
Macedonia Mobile | 389MOB | 0.5378 |
Madagascar | 261 | 0.8715 |
Madagascar Mobile | 261MOB | 0.8715 |
Malawi | 265 | 0.2384 |
Malawi, Mobile | 265MOB | 0.2384 |
Malaysia | 60 | 0.0570 |
Malaysia Kuala Lumpar | 60KUA | 0.0570 |
Malaysia Mobile | 60MOB | 0.0795 |
Maldives | 960 | 0.9837 |
Maldives Audiotext | 960ATX | 1.1875 |
Mali Republic | 223 | 0.3690 |
Mali Republic Mobile | 223MOB | 0.4463 |
Malta | 356 | 0.2208 |
Malta Mobile | 356MOB | 0.4086 |
Marshall Islands | 692 | 0.4889 |
Mauritania | 222 | 0.7140 |
Mauritius | 230 | 0.3293 |
Mauritius Mobile | 230MOB | 0.2385 |
Mexico | 52 | 0.1658 |
Mexico – Mexico City | 52MCT | 0.0842 |
Mexico Guadalajara | 52GUA | 0.0842 |
Mexico Mobile | 52MOB | 0.4058 |
Mexico Monterrey | 52MTR | 0.0842 |
Mexico On Net | 52NET | 0.1504 |
Micronesia | 691 | 0.4922 |
Moldova | 373 | 0.2579 |
Moldova Mobile | 373MOB | 0.3659 |
Monaco | 377 | 0.1365 |
Monaco France | 33MON | 0.1970 |
Monaco Mobile | 377MOB | 0.5241 |
Mongolia | 976 | 0.2775 |
Monserrat | RT | 0.3546 |
Morocco | 212 | 0.3690 |
Morocco Mobile | 212MOB | 0.5558 |
Mozambique | 258 | 0.2190 |
Mozambique Mobile (6864) | 258MOB | 0.3650 |
Nahodka | 742 | 1.7624 |
Namibia | 264 | 0.1887 |
Namibia Mobile | 264MOB | 0.4215 |
Nauru | 674 | 1.2200 |
Nauru Audiotex | 674ATX | 1.1875 |
Nepal | 977 | 0.3089 |
Netherlands | 31 | 0.0599 |
Netherlands Amsterdam | 31AMS | 0.0209 |
Netherlands Antilles | 599 | 0.2016 |
Netherlands Antilles Audiotext | 599ATX | 0.1737 |
Netherlands Antilles Mobile | 599MOB | 0.1925 |
Netherlands Mobile | 31MOB | 0.2789 |
New Caledonia | 687 | 0.4074 |
New Caledonia Audiotext | 687ATX | 0.3684 |
New Zealand | 64 | 0.0750 |
New Zealand Mobile | 64MOB | 0.4365 |
Nicaragua | 505 | 0.2114 |
Nicaragua Mobile | 505MOB | 0.3464 |
Niger Republic | 227 | 0.3990 |
Nigeria | 234 | 0.1889 |
Nigeria Lagos | 234LAG | 0.1814 |
Nigeria Mobile | 234MOB | 0.1590 |
Niue Island | 683 | 1.1391 |
Niue Island Audiotext | 683ATX | 1.1391 |
Norway | 47 | 0.0690 |
Norway Mobile | 47MOB | 0.3389 |
Oman | 968 | 0.2339 |
Oman Mobile | 968MOB | 0.4560 |
Pakistan | 92 | 0.2266 |
Pakistan Audiotext | 92ATX | 0.1889 |
Pakistan Karachi | 92KAR | 0.2266 |
Pakistan Mobile | 92MOB | 0.2666 |
Palau Republic | 680 | 0.6433 |
Palestine | 970 | 0.5000 |
Palestine Mobile (6886) | 970MOB | 0.5000 |
Panama | 507 | 0.1440 |
Panama Mobile | 507MOB | 0.2130 |
Papua New Guinea | 675 | 0.9426 |
Papua New Guinea Audiotext | 675ATX | 0.9653 |
Paraguay | 595 | 0.1616 |
Paraguay Ascuncion | 595ASU | 0.1485 |
Paraguay Mobile | 595MOB | 0.3089 |
Peru | 51 | 0.1493 |
Peru, Audiotext | 51ATX | 0.4125 |
Peru, Lima | 51LMA | 0.1659 |
Peru, Mobile | 51MOB | 0.5418 |
Philippines | 63 | 0.1964 |
Philippines Manila | 63MAN | 0.1964 |
Philippines Mobile | 63MOB | 0.2469 |
Philippines Spec. Svcs | 63SPC | 0.2150 |
Poland | 48 | 0.0915 |
Poland Mobile | 48MOB | 0.4365 |
Poland Warsaw | 48WAR | 0.0539 |
Portugal | 351 | 0.0763 |
Portugal Lisbon | 351LIS | 0.0366 |
Portugal Madeira | 351MAD | 0.0369 |
Portugal Mobile | 351MOB | 0.3029 |
Qatar | 974 | 0.3256 |
Qatar Mobile | 974MOB | 0.3014 |
Reunion Island | 262 | 0.5414 |
Romania | 40 | 0.1858 |
Romania Buckharest | 40BUA | 0.2025 |
Romania Mobile | 40MOB | 0.4769 |
Russia | 7 | 0.1980 |
Russia Mobile | 7MOB | 0.1980 |
Russia Moscow | 7MOS | 0.0932 |
Russia Overlay | 7OVR | 0.2640 |
Russia St. Petersburg | 7STP | 0.1239 |
Rwanda | 250 | 0.4268 |
Rwanda Mobile | 250MOB | 0.5690 |
Saipan (Mariana Island) | NN | 1.1339 |
San Marino | 378 | 0.1316 |
San Marino Mobile | 378MOB | 0.1365 |
Sao Tome | 239 | 1.4375 |
Saudi Arabia | 966 | 0.1589 |
Saudi Arabia Dharan | 966DAH | 0.1589 |
Saudi Arabia Jeddah | 966JID | 0.1589 |
Saudi Arabia Mobile | 966MOB | 0.2715 |
Saudi Arabia Ryadh | 966RIY | 0.1589 |
Senegal | 221 | 0.7155 |
Senegal Audiotext | 221ATX | 0.6765 |
Senegal Mobile | 221MOB | 0.7155 |
Seychelles Island | 248 | 1.0502 |
Seychelles Island Mobile | 248MOB | 0.6765 |
Sierra Leone | 232 | 1.0188 |
Sierra Leone Mobile | 232MOB | 0.9363 |
Singapore | 65 | 0.0730 |
Singapore Mobile | 65MOB | 0.0578 |
Slovakia | 421 | 0.1308 |
Slovakia Mobile | 421MOB | 0.2205 |
Slovenia | 386 | 0.1440 |
Slovenia Mobile | 386MOB | 0.5640 |
Solomon Island Audiotext | 677ATX | 1.1875 |
Solomon Islands | 677 | 1.2200 |
Somalia | 252 | 0.8714 |
South Africa | 27 | 0.0989 |
South Africa Johannesburg | 27JOH | 0.0989 |
South Africa Mobile | 27MOB | 0.2715 |
Spain | 34 | 0.0738 |
Spain Audiotext | 34ATX | 0.1799 |
Spain Barcelona | 34BAR | 0.0218 |
Spain Madrid | 34MAD | 0.0738 |
Spain Mobile | 34MOB | 0.3239 |
Sri Lanka | 94 | 0.2024 |
Sri Lanka Mobile | 94MOB | 0.2496 |
St Helena | 290 | 1.8699 |
St Kitts | KA | 0.4581 |
St Lucia | SA | 0.4778 |
St Pierre/Miquelon | 508 | 0.7252 |
St Vincents | ZF | 0.5322 |
Sudan | 249 | 0.3366 |
Sudan Mobile | 249MOB | 0.3059 |
Suriname | 597 | 0.3207 |
Suriname Audiotext | 597ATX | 0.3045 |
Suriname Mobile | 597MOB | 0.3852 |
Swaziland | 268 | 0.2640 |
Swaziland Mobile | 268MOB | 0.3164 |
Sweden | 46 | 0.0713 |
Sweden Mobile | 46MOB | 0.0862 |
Switzerland | 41 | 0.0576 |
Switzerland Audiotext | 41ATX | 0.7650 |
Switzerland Mobile | 41MOB | 0.8040 |
Syria | 963 | 0.3090 |
Syria Mobile (6875) | 963MOB | 0.3090 |
Taiwan | 886 | 0.0698 |
Taiwan Kaohsiung | 886KAO | 0.0286 |
Taiwan Mobile | 886MOB | 0.1920 |
Taiwan Taipei | 886TAP | 0.0688 |
Taiwan, Tainan | 886TAN | 0.0286 |
Tajikistan | 992 | 0.2507 |
Tajikistan Mobile | 992MOB | 0.3342 |
Tanzania | 255 | 0.4477 |
Tanzania Mobile (6876) | 255MOB | 0.5330 |
Tanzania Zanzibar | 259 | 0.3194 |
Thailand | 66 | 0.1442 |
Thailand Bangkok | 66BAN | 0.1442 |
Thailand Mobile | 66MOB | 0.1098 |
Togo | 228 | 0.5790 |
Tokelau | 690 | 1.3740 |
Tokelay Audiotext | 690ATX | 1.3350 |
Tonga | 676 | 0.6540 |
Tonga Audiotext | 676ATX | 0.6150 |
Trinidad and Tobago | TR | 0.4588 |
Tunisia | 216 | 0.6990 |
Tunisia Mobile | 216MOB | 0.6990 |
Turkey | 90 | 0.1215 |
Turkey Istanbul | 90ISB | 0.1499 |
Turkey Mobile | 90MOB | 0.2715 |
Turkmenistan | 993 | 0.3075 |
Turkmenistan Mobile (6887) | 993MOB | 0.3580 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TC | 0.5501 |
Tuvalu | 688 | 1.3740 |
Tuvalu Audiotext | 688ATX | 1.3350 |
Uganda | 256 | 0.4875 |
Uganda Mobile (6878) | 256MOB | 0.4875 |
Ukraine | 380 | 0.1590 |
Ukraine Mobile (6879) | 380MOB | 0.3524 |
United Arab Emirates | 971 | 0.2490 |
United Arab Emirates Mobile | 971MOB | 0.4820 |
United Kingdom | 44 | 0.0954 |
United Kingdom Audiotext | 44ATX | 1.0200 |
United Kingdom London | 44LON | 0.0637 |
United Kingdom Mobile | 44MOB | 0.5190 |
Uruguay | 598 | 0.1487 |
Uruguay Mobile (6882) | 598MOB | 0.3521 |
Uzbekistan | 998 | 0.1556 |
Vanuatu/New Hebridi | 678 | 1.2193 |
Vanuatu/New Hebridi Audiotext | 678ATX | 1.1868 |
Vatican City | 379 | 0.0674 |
Venezuela | 58 | 0.1214 |
Venezuela Caracas | 58CAR | 0.0914 |
Venezuela Mobile | 58MOB | 0.2040 |
Vietnam | 84 | 0.1878 |
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh | 84CHI | 0.1878 |
Vietnam Hanoi | 84HAN | 0.1878 |
Vietnam Mobile | 84MOB | 0.1878 |
Wallis/Futuna | 681 | 1.4352 |
Wallis/Futuna Audiotext | 681ATX | 1.4040 |
Western Samao | 685 | 0.8040 |
Yemen Arab | 967 | 0.5640 |
Yugoslavia/Serbia | 381 | 0.1797 |
Yugoslavia/Serbia Mobile | 381MOB | 0.5250 |
Zaire | 243 | 0.4200 |
Zaire Mobile | 243MOB | 0.7445 |
Zambia | 260 | 0.1591 |
Zambia Mobile | 260MOB | 0.4160 |
Zimbabwe | 263 | 0.2265 |
Zimbabwe Mobile | 263MOB | 1.0950 |